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Ambien Drug Interactions

Zolpidem or the brand name Ambien is a medication for treatment. It’s a short-term medication primarily for sleeping problems. This article discusses Ambien drug interactions.

Ambien is effective for treating a sleeping disorder called Insomnia. There are also a few types of medications that might interact with Ambien. This includes types of medications that produce a sedation effect.

Sedative Medications that might Interact with Ambien

1. Cold Medications

You have a cold when experiencing symptoms like sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and a stuffy nose. Fortunately, you can treat them with the use of prescribed cold medication. Also, strengthening your immune system can help. With this, your body will be able to fight against bacteria and other infections. However, there are certain medications that should not interact with cold medications. This includes the use of Ambien, a medication to treat a sleep disorder called Insomnia.

When you use Ambien, you can potentially experience its side effects. This includes feeling dizzy, confused, drowsy, and having difficulty concentrating. These side effects can worsen when cold medications interact with Ambien. In addition, it could impair your judgment, thinking, and motor coordination.

2. Antidepressants

Insomnia and Depression are conditions that affect one another. Depression is a sign or a symptom of Insomnia. Insomnia, on the other hand, is a factor that can cause depression.

Ambien is a medication for treating insomnia. Antidepressants provide relief for the symptoms of Depression.

Is the interaction of both medications possible especially, when treating depression and insomnia at the same time?

Interaction of Antidepressants with Ambien:

In a study, Antidepressants with Ambien may ease Insomnia, however, this effect only applies when Insomnia is caused by Hot flashes. Hot flashes are the sudden warm feeling around the neck, face, and chest. It causes excessive sweating and sudden chills after an intensive increase in body temperature. In addition, it’s a symptom of menopause. Therefore, the use of both medications produces more effective results rather than just using antidepressants alone.

3. Antihistamines

Symptoms like flu, allergies, sinusitis, and bronchitis are causes of a common cold. They can temporarily be relieved through the use of sedating antihistamines.

Antihistamines relieve watery eyes, itchy eyes, nose or throat, and a runny nose. In addition, they provide relief and help to subside symptoms due to allergic reactions. Also, it causes drowsiness which helps Insomnia sufferers to fall asleep. Although it’s effective, using sedating antihistamines with Ambien is not recommended.

Below are sedating Antihistamines not recommended in interacting with Ambien:

  • Promethazine
  • Chlorphenamine
  • Alimemazine
  • Clemastine
  • Hydroxyzine
  • Cyproheptadine

4. Anti-Anxiety Medications

Anxiety is an emotion we can experience from tension and worry. It’s our body’s normal response to stressful situations. In addition, It’s one of the causes of a sleep disorder called Insomnia.

Experiencing occasional anxiety is normal. However, frequent feelings of anxiety can become a serious problem. As a result, it could negatively impact a person’s daily life. It can cause problems in social life, relationships, and sleep.

Luckily, there are anti-anxiety medications that can help. They provide relief for the symptoms of anxiety. This includes the use of benzodiazepine medications like Xanax and Valium.  

Regardless, the interaction of Ambien and Anti-Anxiety medications is not recommended. It can increase the side effects of either one or both medications. In addition, similar side effects of either medication can be amplified.

5. Painkillers

Pain is no one’s friend. It is caused by falling or accidentally hurting a part of the body. In addition, it’s a common cause of Sleeping disorders like Insomnia. Due to sleeping patterns and sleep disturbances from Insomnia, pain can worsen.

To ensure relief from pain, painkillers are available for treatment. This would likely cause the interaction of painkillers with Ambien due to Insomnia. Although both are effective and provide relief for pain using them together isn’t recommended.

Other Drugs that may interact with Ambien

1. Rifampin Oral

Rifampin is an antibiotic that is used for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. It is primarily used for the treatment of bacterial infections. In addition, overuse of this medication can decrease its effectiveness.

The combination of both Rifampin and Ambien applies differently. Interaction of Rifampin with Ambien decreases the effects of Ambien for Insomnia. In other words, Ambien would likely become ineffective when using Rifampin.

2. Ketoconazole (Nizoral)

Ketoconazole is used for the treatment of fungal and yeast infections. It belongs to a class of antifungals. In addition, it works by stopping infections caused by yeast and fungus. It comes in tablets, topical cream, foam, gel, and shampoo.

Using ketoconazole oral together with Ambien decreases the effectiveness of Ambien. In addition, it enhances the side effects of Ambien like dizziness, and concentration. Consult a doctor before using Ambien or ketoconazole tablets.

3. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

Chlorpromazine is an antipsychotic medication under the brand name Thorazine. It belongs to a type of drug called phenothiazine antipsychotics. In addition,  It is used for the treatment of mental disorders like schizophrenia.

Furthermore, it works by reducing aggressive behaviors from hurting oneself and others. In addition, it decreases hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don’t exist). Also, it works by helping in the restoration of balance in certain natural substances of the brain.

The combined use of Chlorpromazine and Ambien may increase similar side effects of both medications. In addition, it can cause impairment in judgment, thinking, and body coordination. Impairment applies, especially for Elderly people.

4. Itraconazole (Sporanox) Oral

Itraconazole is a medication used in treating a variety of Fungal Infections. It belongs to a class of drugs called azole antifungals. In addition, it works by stopping a variety of fungi from growing.

Coadministration of Itraconazole with Ambien impairs the effects of Ambien. In addition, it increases Ambien’s side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion. If these side effects worsen immediately seek medical attention.

The aforementioned medications are over-the-counter medications. It is available to be purchased at a physical Pharmacy. Ask a doctor if these medications need a prescription.

Alcohol and Ambien Interaction

Ambien is used for the treatment of Insomnia. It is used to cause drowsiness which helps an individual to fall asleep faster. Drinking alcohol provides the same drowsiness effect that causes a person to sleep. However, the combination of both medication and alcohol can negatively impact a person.

Like any other medications available out there, Ambien has its potential side effects. It is categorized as a common, severe, and rare side effect. In addition, this can be enhanced when using Ambien and drinking alcohol together. This can potentially cause harm not just to oneself but also others as well.

Below are the Physical Risks and Side Effects when interacting Ambien with Alcohol:

  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Loss of Concentration/Focus
  • Drowsiness or Sleepiness
  • Confusion
  • Loss of Motor Coordination
  • Impairment of Judgement/Thinking
  • Shortness of Breath

Enhanced Side effects of Ambien can lead to greater risks. It applies the same when abusing Ambien, especially with alcohol. Abuse or being dependent on Ambien could potentially cause an overdose. It’s both life-threatening and fatal for everyone.

People need to know about the risks of combining Ambien with Alcohol. Awareness of necessary information is key. Asking for opinions, options and other alternatives can also help.

Consulting with a doctor regarding this medication is important. Before anyone would use Ambien, it’s necessary to have a prescription. Getting a prescription provides you with the proper dosage of medications.

This concludes the discussion on Ambien drug interactions.